Risk Model

Risk Model is a powerful feature to streamline Risk management within the company. Create Risk models and assign them to Risk Registers. They can be created, modified and configured by Jira admins.

Open Risk Models

Create Risk Models


Assign Risk Registers to Risk Model

Risk register assigned to a Risk Model will get the same risk matrix as the risk model. Only Jira admins are allowed to modify risk models so this is is a good way to streamline risk management within the company.

Important: Please note that a risk can belong to multiple risk registers. So make sure that all risk registers containing specific risk issues are assigned to the same risk model. Please also note that the slider values in the Jira issue view is coming from the issue project risk register.

From Risk Model - Create and update Jira risk custom fields

Jira custom fields are created from the risk model tab and the drop-down options are populated with the risk model risk matrix values (impact & probability).


From Risk Model - Assign risk custom field to issue screen

For risk custom fields to be visible in Jira they need to be added to one or multiple issue screens (see picture)