Import Risks

Import Risks

Import risks by adding risk assessment to existing Jira issues or importing external Excel risk registers

1. Internal - Add risk to existing Jira issues

Select issues with JQL. Then select issue risk custom fields (value blank or 0-4 as number or string). If no custom fields are selected inherent/residual risk will be set to “Undefined“.

2. External - Import risks from Excel

For external risk registers with assignee and many custom fields. The first option “Internal - Add risk to Jira issues“ with Jira bulk import might be a better match

There are four types of Excel risk columns. Please rename your Excel headers to those and also remove empty starting columns and rows (download example excel).

  • Risk Columns

  • Jira Columns

  • Jira Custom Field Columns → info: cannot be mandatory in selected project issue screen. risks are created and populated in two steps

  • User Columns

Risk Columns (risk severity is calculated)


Risk Columns (risk severity is calculated)


inherent probability

value 0-4 (empty cell is assigned undefined risk)

inherent impact

value 0-4 (empty cell is assigned undefined risk)

residual probability

value 0-4 (empty cell is assigned undefined risk)

residual impact

value 0-4 (empty cell is assigned undefined risk)

Jira Columns


Jira Columns










due date



comma (,) seperated


Jira automatically created value


Jira automatically created value


Jira automatically created value

Jira Custom Field Columns


Jira Custom Field Columns


Text Field (single line) or Short text

Excel header shall match existing custom field name

Number field or Number

Excel header shall match existing custom field name

Select List (single choice)

Excel header shall match existing custom field name (Jira company-managed projects)

User Columns

User Columns

If a risk register is created as part of the import. Then all columns not matching above will be created as user columns in the risk register.