Forecast Delivery Date

Forecast Delivery Date

For detailed information on Monte Carlo simulations please go to the “When are you done?“ page.

Both the forecast and tracking tabs are using the same Monte Carlo simulation engine. Forecast is forecasting the expected delivery landing zone simular to weather forecasts. Tracking is a forecast against a target date (deadline)

Forecast Chart

Configure Forecast Chart

Press the configure icon to configure the chart. Full configuration is done in “Play Scenario“. In this configuration only “simulation on issue count or story point“ and simulation “througput calculation start date“ is configurable.

Play Scenario

Configure - same as in track “Play Scenario“ chart

  • Set scenario target scope

  • Reduce scope from loaded data set - This setting enables you to play different scenarios e.g. what happens if all issues with label X are removed?

  • Scenario average daily throughput - What happens if resources are added or remove. Simulate this by setting that the average daily output (issue count or story point)

In the “Throughput Advance“ tab the user has full freedom to configure the issue output period used for the simulation. Drag and drop the time period or set it top right.

Forecast How Many Issues

Forecast how many issues will be delivered in 7, 14 or 30 days. This is a good insight communicating with stakeholders.