
Boja OKR centers around workspaces. A workspace can be of type company, group, team and personal. Each workspace has a permission scheme, lead person and unique key. A personal workspace can be public or either public or private to the user.

OKR objective and key results are then added to to different workspaces. This can be done in a fully customisable table working like in Excel or in a graphical chart view. On Jira cloud Jira Issues can be linked to both objectives and key results.

Finally Objectives in different workspaces can be aligned (upstream). This means that a team can align its objective to both a group as well as a company objective. Key result can also be assigned (downstream). This means that a manager can assign one of his key result to an employee or team for them to work on.

Workspaces Manager

Create Workspace

Press the right top “Create New Workspace“ button

Private Workspace

In private workspaces only the person who created the workspace can open and view the OKRs. That person can also invite collaborators with full access.

Please note that admins can delete and change name of private workspaces but have no access to the OKR data itself.


OKR data in private workspaces are restricted in the user interface and not in the database layer. So trusted logged in users might with “hacking“ and direct API calls get access. Please, put truly sensitive information as Jira issues linked to OKRs which are fully protected.