Align OKR supports multi OKR alignment and assignments. As an example this means that a team can align its OKRs both to the department as well as company OKRs (upstream). And that a manager can assign his key result to individual or teams for them to work on (downstream)
View OKR Alignments
First press the OKR link icon. Then view the bigger picture how the OKR relates to others across workspaces
The selected OKR is highlighted with a red box and upstream OKRs marked with red. The user can zoom In/Out, expand/collapse and export as image
Align (upstream)
Align Objectives to one or multiple other Objective or Key Result in remote workspaces. A Objective can also be aligned to another objective in the active workspace
Assign (downstream)
A key result can be assigned to another workspace or person. This means that a new objective will be created in that remote workspace and this objective is automatically aligned to the key result