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Global settings

  1. User access control

  2. Risk access control

  3. Global settings

  4. Risk Register settings

1. User access control

User access control is managed with the Jira global permission “Risk Register Access“. Only Jira users with that access can launch the app.


4. Risk Register Settings

The solution also supports a number of settings per risk register. Please read more on those here.


  • Auto add Risks to the Risk Register

  • Disable/enable the possibility to export the Risk Register to Excel

  • Lock modifying Risk Register table columns to only Jira admins

User Interface

  • Add risk register Home URL. One example is for teams to add a link to the team Confluence page.


  • User access to open a risk register are controlled with the global permission “Risk Register Access“

  • User access to individual risks are controlled with Jira issue permission (each risk is a Jira issue so normal Jira issue permission is applicable)
