How to Work with Initiatives

How to Work with Initiatives

Initative is a very powerful concept. It allows the user to group issues in “buckets“ and view them independent or togheter throughout the solution. As an example Initiatives can be used to add multiple teams in a project, keep track of different releases or just to group Epics.

Create Initiatives

Press the “Create Initiative“ button. You can create an unlimited amount of Initiatives

Load Date Into Initiatives

Open Initiatives by pressing the table left plus button. Then in the new window add Issues pressing the plus or “Add Epics“ buttons. You can load any combination of issues into Initiatives using JQL or projects/ Epics/Favorite Filter pickers.

Jira Premium Initiatives can be loaded with the JQL “issuekey in portfolioChildIssuesOf(<your_initiative_issue_key>)” (requires ScriptRunner)

Work with Initiatives

Throughout the solution there is an Initiatives picker. Select any combinations of Initiatives or look at all Issues loaded.

Initiatives can also quickly be addd to the Roadmap. Please press the left “Add to Roadmap“ icon and select your Initiatives to add.

Edit Initiatives

A initiative is fully managed meaning that you can both add issues as well as remove issues. Click on a initiative row to add and click on the left “Issue Overview“ button to remove.