Write company templates directly in Jira with the build-in text editor. Or use one of the existing templates in store. All Jira fields can be exported and are available as drag & drop helpers writing custom templates.
Manage Templates in “Apps->Template Manager”. Create new ones, copy, delete or modify existing ones.
Work with templates in the build-in rich text editor. Easily add images, tables and styling from scratch or load a company HTML template to start with. Jira data fields are then dragged into the template from the left navigation bar in the form of handlebars. Handlebars is a powerful template language that also supports logic such as e.g. if, equal, sorting.
For detail information on writing templates please open the Help section as shown in the image below
The solution comes with a large amount of pre-build templates. Download new ones from Store as well as user uploaded ones. Select the template to export to during the exporting steps.
Example of available templates
A powerful feature is that an existing template can be edited before exporting. This enables users to quickly get last minutes changes or comments into the export.