Example - Risk assessment when user adds Risk label to issue
Two steps are needed for the issue risk assessmentThis use case requires a few basic issue automation steps and then two dedicated risk steps. Please see below for the risk automation steps.
Step 1 show the risk widget in the Jira issue screen (optional)
Step 2 risk assessment in the issue by assigning values to the editable risk custom fields assigned to project
Step 2 risk assessment in the issue by assigning values to the editable risk custom fields assigned to project
As higlighted highlighted above the prerequsite prerequisite for this step is to create risk custom fields, assign them to the risk registers risk model and then assign the risk custom fields to the project issue screens (more info).
Create a an “Edit issue“ action and select the risk custom fields e.g Inherent probability and Inherent impact with their values. If the risk custom fields are not selectable, they are either not created or not assigned to project issue screens.