Code Block |
{ "risk_impact": "Severe", "risk_impact_value": 5, "risk_probability": "Almost certain", "risk_probability_value": 5, "risk_severity": "HIGHEST", "risk_severity_value": 4 } |
Risk Property | Type | Value |
risk_impact | Text | Unspecified, Negligible, Minor, Medium, High, Severe |
risk_impact_value | Integer | 0-5 (low to high) |
risk_probability | Text | Unspecified, Rare, Unlikely, Possible, Likely, Almost certain |
risk_probability_value | Integer | 0-5 (low to high) |
risk_severity | Text | Unspecified, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIGHEST |
risk_severity_value | Integer | 0-4 (low to high) |
Important: Please note that that the impact, probability and severity text is fully configurable in each risk register risk matrix.
Example JQL
Explanation | JQL |
All Issues with a risk including Unspecified Severity | issue.property[boja_prop_issue].risk_severity is not EMPTY |
All Issues with HIGHEST Severity | issue.property[boja_prop_issue].risk_severity = "HIGHEST" |
All Issues with HIGEST Severity using value | issue.property[boja_prop_issue].risk_severity_value = 4 |
All Issues not having a risk | issue.property[boja_prop_issue].risk_severity is EMPTY |
All Issues with probability Rare | issue.property[boja_prop_issue].risk_probability = "Rare" |
All Issues with probability Possible and impact Medium | issue.property[boja_prop_issue].risk_probability = "Possible" AND issue.property[boja_prop_issue].risk_impact = "Medium" |